Fall in Love With J. Crew

Over the years I’ve slowly started to fall in love with J. Crew fashion. Back in the day, when J. Crew featured an uber preppy style meant for upwardly mobile yuppies sporting polos and chinos. While there’s still some of that that exists in the store (mostly depending on the demographics of the surrounding area) I’ve been gravitating toward their classic, traditional merchandise more and more. They’ve done a great job of incorporating mainstream trends into their main fashion lines and putting their own twist on it.

Jacket 03635
Jacket 03510
Jacket 03650
Jacket 03491

For the last 2 years I’ve been eyeing up this jacket. The hunter green, waxed jacket look is such a classic, which is why I knew I wanted to save up and add it my wardrobe. This year for my birthday I got it as a present and have been wearing it every day it’s been cool enough (which has been like 3). With clean lines, classic gold details, and an excellent fit, it’s the best wear from fall to early winter to spring jacket.

Jacket 03724