What I Use on My Face Morning & Night

I don't take on many skincare or beauty collaborations or sponsorships because frankly the wide world of skincare is terrifying. There are so many different options and opinions and trying to find something I think genuinely works for me is a big process. I also never want to share a skincare product out of obligation for a collaboration.

So when I do share about skincare products, be assured that they have been thoroughly vetted, tested, and I genuinely think the results are good enough to share.

Enter The Skin Clique and their lovely line of skincare products. Let's dive in.

Thank you to the lovely ladies of The Skin Clique for gifting me the products mentioned in this post.
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A Little Background on My Skin

Before I share the products and process, let me share a bit about the current condition of my skin to help you get some context.

I've never had very bad skin, but never exceptionally happy skin. My face is very sensitive and redness and acne scaring is something I've been dealing with throughout my adult life. I know right away when I use a product that doesn't work because my skin immediately takes on a sunburnt hue that takes hours to fade.

Stress and diet (and now wearing masks) contributes to the occasional spot, but for the most part I can manage that with drinking lots of water and staying away from refined sugar. So in a skincare routine I was looking for products that would help reduce inflammation, protect my skin, and keep it well hydrated without being greasy. If your skin struggles with any of the above like mine does, read on for the tips I've learned and the products I use daily.

My Morning Routine

*most days


I say most days here because sometimes I can't be bothered with a multi-step morning routine. Some days it's just face wash and go. I never used to be the girl that wanted to take the time for a 3 or 4 step morning routine, but I can genuinely see a difference in my skin throughout the day when I stick to the routine.

Step 1: Face Wash with the The Skin Clique Essential Cleanser ( $29 )

Because of the above mentioned redness that typically flares up when I wash my face, I need the gentlest cleanser on the market. The Essential Cleanser is one of the best gentle (but still effective) ones I've tried. My face does get red after washing but it calms down so fast instead of lasting that way all day.

You only need about a pea-sized amount of this cleanser and it creates a slight foam as you use it. It's formulated with products that are both natural and designed to be calming like papaya fruit, green tea and Vitamin E. And after using, instead of feeling dry and stripped, my skin feels clean and soft.

Step 2: Tone with The Skin Clique Essential Pads ( $42 )

The first few weeks I was using these toner pads twice per day because I was really trying to get a good idea of how they worked on my skin, and also to get my skin back to a good base. Now that I've been fully entrenched in this routine for about 2 months, I find myself using the toner pads only once per day - either morning or evening.

They're a lovely, light toner that works to keep away blemishes and blackheads by sloughing away dead skin cells. Most toners dry my skin out horribly, but these are so well formulated that not only do they keep my skin fresh and glowing but also keep it well hydrated.

Step 3: Protect with Zo Skin Health Daily Power Defense ( $150)

Truly the powerhouse of the group, this serum is the final step before sunscreen and makeup. I wait for my skin to dry from the toner then apply a small squirt to my face. It's an antioxidant serum that is designed to regenerate the skin and protect it from free radical damage – likely the culprit of my quick-to-appear redness.

It does come with a steep price tag but it's meant to last a long time (because you only need a little bit) and it has definitely helped smooth and soften the overall appearance of my skin.



My Evening Routine

I am MUCH better at sticking to my evening routine than my morning one. Mainly because I have more time at night to do a thorough job of cleansing and caring for my skin. And, if I'm honest, I think if you're going to pick a time to really invest in your skincare, taking off your makeup and prepping you skin for sleep is the best time.

Step 1: Wash

The same product as the morning. Light and gentle, yet still powerful enough to take off the day and the makeup.

Step 2: Exfoliate with The Skin Clique 2/7 Scrub ( $55)

My favorite step/product of the bunch! I don't use this every evening - probably 3-4 times per week - but it's a clarifying, brightening polish that smells of citrus and sunshine. This leaves my skin feeling baby soft and although it's an exfoliator it actually does not aggravate my skin at all.

You simply apply a quarter sized dollop to dry skin gently rub in circles for a minute or two and then wash off with warm water and a soft cloth. (I like to use a muslin cloth!)


Step 3: Tone if needed

Step 4: Moisturize if needed

Some days it's just drier in our house - or more likely I haven't drunk enough water that day. I'll go in and add a dot or two of the First Aid Ultra Repair Cream to any dry patches on my skin. Nothing major, but just a little hydration to sink in overnight.

Step 5: Chapstick

Burts Bees classic chapstick wins every time for me.

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Skincare Tools & About The Skin Clique Team

Although I don't use as many skincare tools as some, there are 2 in my bathroom I do reach for now and again.

  • Jade Roller – this is a lovely, cooling roller that gives you a little face massage whenever you need one. It's become famous for lymphatic draining, de-puffing, and contouring the muscles of your face, but I just use it because it feels nice.
  • Foreo – a gently vibrating, cleaning tool that helps get your skin extra clean. Perfect for taking off a lot of makeup when used in tandem with the wash mentioned above.

So, that's my take on the products from The Skin Clique. But if you're all set with products and are looking for a wonderful team of skincare professionals, I can't recommend any other team enough!

They actually have a wide range of services from injections to dermaplaning and come right to your house – using the highest safety and cleanliness precautions. To set up the right routine for my skincare I had a 15 minute FaceTime consultation that resulted in a great conversation about what my skin actually needed and how I could take steps to protect it.

The Skin Clique has teams in South Carolina, GA, WA, NC, TN, OH, and LA – so Greenville girls we have this awesome service right in our backyard!

Check out their website to schedule a free 15 minute skin consultation or book one of their services.