Polka Dots and Ultra Violet

From polka dots to purple hues, this outfit at it’s best was a stretch for me. I’m not one to gravitate toward bright colors or patterns so when I put this ensemble on at home I was surprised how much I loved it. Maybe it was the influence of the last 4 weeks of high-intensity fashion where from London to Milan colors dominated the runways or maybe it was because Spring is trying to peep through the layers of clouds and rain, but either way, I was happy with the end result.

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I think the easiest way to add some flair to your wardrobe is to add an accessory in a trending color (like violet or yellow) where you can buy and dismiss it easily when it’s no longer relevant. Lately, I’ve been so intrigued by the trend of bright, monochromatic outfits. From brilliant emeralds to posh pinks, it’s a bold move but the result is so beautifully OTT that I think giving it a go here on the blog may be necessary.

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Also, I want to take a moment to give a quick shout out of appreciation to you – my readers. I have some really exciting plans in the works in the near future – hint hint, things might start to look a little different around here pretty soon! – and it really and truly wouldn’t be possible with you. No matter if you know about this blog because you know me and it’s just about the only thing I talk about, or if you stumbled upon it, I appreciate each and every one of you so much! We’re a small but growing little community on here and as long as you want to keep reading I’ll keep stretching myself to produce the best content I possibly can.