DIY Fall Diffusers

I’ve never considered myself a very crafty/DIY type of person. At least not in the way some people are. But sometimes out of practicality I come up with a DIY solution for a product that looks cute and easy to recreate.

This idea stemmed from seeing a similar diffuser on the Anthropologie website. Don’t get me wrong, I love Anthro as much as the next white girl, but $28 for a glass vessel with some fake flowers and essential oil in the bottom seemed a little over the top.

Last week I set out to re-create the craft for a fraction of the price and here was the result…

DIY Diffuser 11
DIY Diffuser 12

It’s so simple and I think in total it cost me maybe $10 to buy all the things for all three little diffusers. Plus the glass containers were a thrift store find so it’s sustainable to boot!

Ingredients Needed

  • One small glass container per diffuser set. I went to Goodwill and found each one for 99 cents. Just look for ones with openings that narrow instead of widen so you don’t have your dried flowers sticking every which way.
  • Dried flowers/grass/wheat/ etc. Hobby Lobby has all their fake and dried florals for 40% off and Home Goods is another great place to find your little decor bits and pieces.
  • Diffuser Reeds. You can buy a pack of 50 for $8 on Amazon.
  • Essential Oil. There are so many scents, quality levels, purity levels, and brands of essential oils it would be impossible for me to list out what you should buy and why. Go on the basis of scent for this diffuser project. I picked up a beautiful pine oil at Home Goods for $5.99. But I linked a few other ones below.
DIY Diffuser 8
DIY Diffuser 13

Start by cutting your fake florals and greenery to fit the heights of you glass containers. I love varying heights in floral arrangements so even for this project I cut the stems so they weren’t equal heights but slight variations.

I ended up with three different styles and just arranged them according to their similar styles and colors for a bit more uniformity.

Next add a few drops of your oil to the bottom of each glass container. A lot of people use a carrier oil like baby oil to make it go a bit further. I just added a little bit of water mixed in with the essential oil and it seemed to work just fine as well.

DIY Diffuser 7
DIY Diffuser 6

Add in your diffuser reeds so the scent has a way to escape the glass jar and you’re all set!

Such a simple and fun way to brighten up a space for fall without buying wreaths, candles, or fake leaves on garland.

DIY Diffuser 5