Building a Skincare Routine for Every Season

My skincare routine has never been as important to me as it is right now. The older I get the more I’ve shifted from using makeup to cover up skin issues to using it sparingly to enhance or accent. If I could live my life with just mascara and bronzer I would gladly give up all other makeup. But in order to get to that point of ideal skin texture and color, your skincare routine has to be intentional and specific to your skin’s needs.

While at times I feel like I’m still in the process of finding skincare products that work with my skin, I have a few go-to brands now that I like to keep in stock in my medicine cabinet.

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Kihel’s is now one of those go-to product lines for me. I’m really awful at trying new brands – mostly because it’s just so expensive to go through the trial and error process with skincare. There’s nothing worse than spending $40+ on a moisturizer just to find out it actually dries your skin out instead of hydrates it. (And I know that $40 is nothing to spend on skincare. Many high-end brands out there I’m terrified of because of the $100+ price tag! Can you tell I’m a bit stingy?)

I’m in the very fortunate position to be able to test a few brands with products that are sent to me. I don’t always post about them, but I do get to participate in screening skincare with little affect on my bank account. Back in November I was sent my very first Kihel’s skincare product – the Ultra Facial Cleanser – and after a few uses I knew this was a product that could work for my skin.

For some reason I always thought the Kihel’s line was fairly expensive, but a full sized cleanser is only $20. Not exactly Neutrogena prices, but for non-chemical ingredients and quality results, it’s something to consider!

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Personally, I love brands that offer a complete line of products – from cleansers to night creams and serums – so I don’t have to keep track of multiple brands. Right now, the intense hydration from the Kihel’s line is perfect for these dry winter temps.

But if you already have a cleanser that fits your skin, don’t change that up! Now’s your time to build onto your skincare routine. Take stock of what concerns you might have and do some research to see what products might help correct that issue. And if you’re curious, start on the Kihel’s website. They have a great selection of products at a great price formulated with quality ingredients.

Or if you have a brand you love, I’d love to hear what you use! Share in the comments and we can all trade skincare secrets!

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