Brooklyn: NYC Travel Diary Day 2

When in NYC we knew we wanted to get over to Brooklyn for a minute or two – mostly for the photos, but also just to see what the area was all about. Saturday morning we were up with the sun and headed out for our first subway ride across the river. At one point we had debated walking there but immediately after our 15-minute train ride, we were glad we didn’t brave the 20-degree temps.

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There are a few iconic Instagram locations in Brooklyn – the money shot being straight down Water St with the Manhattan Bridge towering in the background. Apparently, chilly Saturday mornings are not a popular time to be wandering the streets of DUMBO, so for about an hour it felt like we had the city to ourselves.

We wandered the length of the Main Street Park, stopped for some dreamy shots by Jane’s carousel under the Brooklyn Bridge and then headed to find warmth and coffee. Once inside a nearby coffeehouse with lattes in hand, we spent about an hour un-thawing just watching the tourists and locals start to emerge from hibernation. Both of us commented on how different this region of the city felt from the previous day’s experience and both agreed that the next visit to NYC exploring Brooklyn was going to be high on our bucket list.

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Next on the agenda was to rise above the growing crowds and check out the Brooklyn Bridge from the walking path that runs the length of the bridge – a totally tourist attraction. I’m not typically someone that’s fearful of heights but to be honest I was only able to walk about a quarter of the way onto the bridge before I had enough. By the time we got to the bridge the sun was shining and the walkway was already filled with tourists getting selfies with the towers of the bridge and the Downtown skyline in the background. We didn’t stay up on the bridge for too long before the wind (and hunger) forced us back down onto the streets below.

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The rest of the afternoon and evening was spent exploring Tribeca and the Flatiron district and then back to Soho for some photo sorting and next-day planning.

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