Beautiful Hair Accessories for 2021

Hair care has been my main focus over the past few months. I've started using rice water to strengthen and grow, apple cider vinegar rinse to balance and detox, and the Vegamour shampoo to keep it all healthy. With such a focus on my hair, I've also been fascinated with different ways to style my hair and accessories to use for those styles.

From soft scrunchies to large claw clips, this year is all about the fun hair accessories for a very inexpensive way to mix up your at home hair.

1. Claw Clips

I absolutely love these for a quick and easy way to get my hair out of my face. Even if I've styled my hair for a shoot (or just for the heck of it) by the end of the day it's typically up and out of my face.

My favorite thing to do is grab a claw clip, wrap up my hair a few times and secure it in a ballerina bun on top of my head. It doesn't cause damage to my hair, keeps curls in place, and looks pretty chic.

But this look would not be possible without the famous claw clip and I have a few linked below that are too good not to own.

I just bought this one and I haven't stopped using it.

Claw 2

2. Scrunchies

I promise I'm not just saying this because my mom and I own and run a handmade scrunchie shop on Etsy.

Scrunchies are a beautiful and safe way to keep your hair up without damaging it. They often have a looser shape so there's not as much strain on your hair follicles. A lot of hairstylists recommend sleeping with a loose bun and scrunchie at night to keep your hair from getting damaged.

I only wear Wallflower scrunchies now and never get headaches anymore from my hair being pulled too tight.

Shop Wallflower Scrunchies

Wallflower new 2
Wallflower new 13
Fall Wallflower Silk 2

3. Hair Scarves

I have a feeling hair scarves are really going to be popping up this spring/summer. They're easy and effortless and so beautiful to add to a half up/half down style or ponytail.

I love the look of silk scarves tied around a ponytail and since I mainly wear neutral colors it's a chance to add a bit of color to a look.

Scarf 26

4. Silk Pillowcases

I'm very aware this is not an actual hair accessory, but it is an amazing way to keep your hair healthy, shiny, and strong. I've been sleeping on silk pillowcases for about 4 years now – I just recently had to replace my first set because they wore out – and it's so difficult for me to go back to cotton pillowcases.

Silk doesn't cause friction when you're sleeping and moving, which is why it's so good for your hair. For anyone serious about their hair health, I would 1,000% recommend trying out a silk pillowcase.

My current ones are from this brand on Amazon, but I've also used these and they're great too!