A Skincare Story

I wanted to start out this post by saying this was the very first time I’ve ever used a Clarisonic device before. I’ve had my eye on the brand for years now, but for a variety of reason have just never pulled the trigger to purchase one. A few weeks ago, I was in the fortunate position to receive one of Clarisonic’s latest products, the Mia Prima device, and for the past month I’ve been testing it out.

Most of the time my reviews of products or brands are worked into a bit of a story format, but I know personally that I prefer just reading straight reviews of skincare products or devices to gauge if I want to spend the money. So below I’m going to answer a few of the questions/concerns I had initially and how the Clarisonic Mia Prima actually worked for my skin.

This post is sponsored by Clarisonic, Kiehl’s, and Her Campus Media. All opinions are my own.
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What does the Mia Prima actually do for my skin?

Think of the Mia Prima like the ultimate face cleaning tool. It works 6x better than your hands to cleansing your skin, reduce the appearance of pores, keep your skin soft and ultimately uber clean – and that’s not just marketing speak. That’s what’s been happening to my skin the last few weeks! I use it once per day and after the 60 second cleanse I can see the difference in my skin. I also find that my subsequent skincare products sink into my skin so much better after using the Mia Prima. Have you ever felt like your skin just doesn’t want to absorb your toner, moisturizer, serum? That was happening to me, and once I started using the Mia Prima I felt like my skin was so fresh and open to the other products, allowing them to truly restore and moisturize my skin.

How often do I use it?

Unlike some of the other electronic skincare cleansing devices on the market, the Mia Prima is gentle enough to use 2x per day. But I’ve yet to use it in both the morning and evening, simply because I’ve stopped washing my face in the morning. Sounds strange? There’s research to back up my decision, but that’s another topic for another time. I do, however, use the Mia Prima in the evening every evening for a thorough cleansing routine. But if you’re like most people and have a consistent morning cleansing routine, you’ll be able to use this device without harm.

Is it worth the money?

Ok, first thing, I’m never going to tell you all about a product that I don’t think is worth it. But, at $99 the Mia Prima is not just a random Sunday afternoon purchase (at least not for me) but with Christmas coming up it might be a great item to put on the Christmas list or save up to buy. I think it’s especially worth it if you wear full makeup every day or are noticing your skin lacking a bit of luster.

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Does this work for people with sensitive skin?

Yes! I would categorize my skin as pretty sensitive. It likes to go red after a washing and at times spots crop up on my chin, but the amazing thing about this device is how gentle it is. It’s designed to be non-invasive on your skin. With a one-touch, 60 second setting, I always know when to stop with the washing.

Do I have to use a specific type of cleanser with it?

Absolutely not! When I was sent the Mia Prima, I was also gifted the Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cleanser that I’ve been using sporadically for the last few weeks (love it, by the way!) but I’ve also used the device with the cleansers in my curated arsenal like the CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser and the Mamaonde rose cleansing oil with great results. So no matter if you use a drugstore brand or a little more upscale product the Mia Prima will still work its magic on your skin.

If you’re looking for a great gift, a new skincare product to try, or just know you need to change up your skincare routine I’d suggest checking out the Mia Prima from Clarisonic.

What other questions do you have? I’d love to answer them in the comments below!